Monday, 31 October 2011

Pearl Jem, Halloween and Latex.

Now as the title suggests, this is not a naughty post. ha. More a rundown of a hectic weekend.

As I lie here is bed, propped up at the only angle where my neck doesn't cause me serious pain, I still consider my weekend great.

After work on Friday, Myself and a friend decided to go shopping. Where I spent way too much yet again in a damn MAC store but I digress.

After some much needed retail therapy, we headed to KFC where I'll admit I could live.

My love for KFC is only slightly overshadowed by my love of TV, Nail polish, Make up and Corey Taylor.

After deciding I just had to get the largest Boneless bucket they had we headed home. Where I dutifully shared my KFC Feast with Si.

For some reason Saturday morning I woke up quite early but decided to be lazy and watch tv. Si came home from work and we went to see Pearl Jem a really good Pearl Jam cover band.

The gig was great. Me and some friends danced and headbanged our way through the night like the world was gonna end.

Cut to Sunday morning, Enter Mr. Hangover and Mr. Stiff Neck.

I spend nearly a half hour in a scalding hot shower trying to loosen out my neck muscles.

I then proceed to turn myself from
 this.......        to this...

and my god if that latex wasn't a nightmare to take off.

So the group of friends headed out, danced, ate and drank the night away.

I ended up in a residents bar until the wee hours.

On my way home meet some of the weirdest costumes I have ever seen.

Cut to this morning. Welcome back Mr. Hangover, Can't say I'm happy your hear.

Apparently Mr Stiff Neck met up with Mr. Pain and Mr. Muscle Lock and they were now partying it up from my shoulder blades to the base of my skull.

So stiff. Would I do it again, Oh Yes!! It was a great weekend.

Well worth the pain and the slight pink and red overtones on my face neck and arms from where I am completely stained from fake blood and my allergic reaction to Latex.

Anyway I have realised that this post is ridiculously long, So I will sign off and talk to you soon.


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